Neon Guitar

Neon Guitar

Neon Guitar reawakens the love of music. You must now play the guitar and demonstrate your musical ability. A guitar in stunning neon colors is in your hand. Pick the genre of music you enjoy!

There are two game modes, as well as eight different musical genres. The two modes are easy and hard. Among other tunes, you can select Pop Rock or I'm a Rocker. Strive for a vigorous mode. The music will appear with colored strings and keys matching various notes as soon as you start playing. Play the notes at the appointed moment, in the right order. Should you forget a lot of notes, the audience might object. Avert that from happening! Play the greatest hits on the guitar, click to the beat, and enjoy yourselves. Play to win the biggest total. 

Music Select

  • I'm a Rocker
  • Jam Session
  • Kickflip
  • Pop Rock
  • Road Trip
  • Rock N' Roll
  • Rock Transition
  • Too Much Chilli

How To Play

  • To interact, use the mouse.
  • Click the A, S, K, and L keys to play the corresponding notes.