Ledge Throw

Ledge Throw

Welcome to Ledge Throw. This is a puzzle-platform game. Your goal is to build temporary platforms to jump on. Go to the exit gate right away!

Description of Ledge Throw

Ledge Throw has 30 different levels. The difficulty of each level will gradually increase. You must progress through each level to reach the gate. However, the gate is usually high and far from where you are standing. Control the player character to move forward. Jump onto high platforms. Some platforms are too high to jump on. So, make a temporary platform to jump on. It functions similarly to a ladder, allowing you to advance to a higher level.

Game tips

Observe the gate's location and devise an action plan. Consider several options for achieving the goal. Select the most feasible option and begin the action. You can only build a temporary platform. Don't worry if you accidentally create a temporary platform in the wrong location. Recreating will fix that. Avoid falling into harmful traps.

How to play

  • To move, press A, D, or the left and right arrow keys.
  • To jump, press the W or up arrow.
  • To throw, press X or Space.
  • Press R to reset.
  • ESC to the back.