Master Geometry Dash Infusion! Schady created this hard level with a 5-star rating. Show off your skills and collect all three coins along this one-minute, 20-second path.
Enjoy Infusion for its style, gameplay, and soundtrack. The level begins with a moving block segment and progresses through spheres, trampolines, gates, and spikes. The journey continues with the cube transforming into a robot and a ship. The cube then flies through a gravity gate, completing the stage. As the ship flies and moves slowly, its gravity changes, initiating a new journey. The ball segment, or UFO, comes next.
Next, the cube, mini ship, UFO, and cube emerge, initiating a new journey. Each player must attempt to move, jump, and alter their size. The next journey involves a short train segment that travels at double speed. And the symbols appear in the following order: wave, ball, UFO, followed by a wave with three times the speed, cube jumping over platforms and spheres, ship, ball, wave, and finally a cube moving at a slow speed.
Coins will appear sequentially and are available for collection at various levels. When you fall on the fake spikes and collect the first coin, you will receive 37%. The second coin appears at 42% when you move the mini-ship above the saw. Finally, for the third coin, you must collect the key to unlock at 65% and the counter at 80%.
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